Агентство Лангуст [переход на главную]

Unit 31. there is there are

Unit 31. there is there are
There's a man on the roof.
Unit 31. there is there are
There's a train at 10.30.
Unit 31. there is there are
There are seven days in a week.

there is …
there is not …
is there … ?
(there isn't or there's not)
- There's a big tree in the garden.
- There's a good film on TV this evening.
   I'm going to watch it.
- Excuse me is there a hotel near here?
- "Have you got any money?"
   "Yes, there's some in my bag."
- We can't go skiing. There isn't any snow.

there are …
there are not …
are there … ?
  (there aren't)
- There are some big trees in the garden.
- Are there any letters for me today?
- This is a modern town. There aren't many old buildings here.
- How many players are there in a football team?
- There are 11 players in a football team.
Unit 31. there is there are Unit 31. there is there are

- A: What's that noise? B: It's a train. (it = that noise)
   There's a train at 10.30. It's a fast train. (it = the 10.30 train)
- There is a lot of salt in this soup.
   I don't like this soup. It's too salty. (it = this soup)
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