Агентство Лангуст [переход на главную]

Unit 22. Will/shall 2
(использование will/shall 2)

We do not use will to say what somebody has already arranged or decided to do in the future: For "I'm working …" and "Are you going to …?", see Unit 19. Present tenses (I am doing/ I do) for the future (использование настоящих времен для будущего)) and Unit 20. (I'm) doing to (do) (использование doing to do)).
But often, when we talk about the future, we are not talking about what somebody has decided to do. For example:
CHRIS: Do you think Ann will pass the exam?
JOE: Yes, she'll pass easily.
"She'll pass" does not mean "she has decided to pass". Joe is saying what he knows or thinks will happen. He is predicting the future.
When we predict a future happening or situation, we use will/won't.
We often use will ('11) with:
I expect
(I'm) sure
(I) think
(I) don't think
I wonder
I'll probably be home late this evening.
I haven't seen Carol today. I expect she'll phone this evening.
Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you'll pass.
Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her?
I don't think the exam will be very difficult.
I wonder what will happen.

After (I) hope, we generally use the present: Generally we use will to talk about the future, but sometimes we use will to talk about now. For example: I shall … / we shall
Normally we use shall only with I and we.
You can say I shall or I will (I'll), we shall or we will (we'll): In spoken English we normally use I'll and we'll: The negative of shall is shall not or shan't: Do not use shall with he/she/it/you/they: See Unit 21. Will/shall 1
(использование will/shall 1).
See Unit 23. I will and I'm going to
(использование I will и I'm going to).
See Unit 24. Will be doing and will have done
(использование will be doing и will have done).
See Appendix 7. American English
(американский диалект).
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