Агентство Лангуст [переход на главную]

Unit 23. I will and I'm going to
(использование I will и I'm going to)

Future actions
Study the difference between will and going to:
Unit 23. I will and I'm going to will ('11): We use will when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. The party is a new idea.
Unit 23. I will and I'm going to
Unit 23. I will and I'm going to going to: We use (be) going to when we have already decided to do something. Helen had already decided to invite lots of people before she spoke to Dave.
Unit 23. I will and I'm going to

Compare: Future happenings and situations (predicting the future)
Sometimes there is not much difference between will and going to. For example, you can say: When we say "something is going to happen", we know (or think) this because of the situation now. For example: Do not use will in situations like these. (See also Unit 20. (I'm) doing to (do)
(использование doing to do).)
In other situations, it is safer to use will: See Unit 20. (I'm) doing to (do)
(использование doing to do).
See Unit 21. Will/shall 1
(использование will/shall 1).
See Unit 22. Will/shall 2
(использование will/shall 2).
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